Welcome to our SEND information which we hope you find helpful as it outlines our commitment to the inclusion for children and young people with SEND.

We are committed to working together with our children and young people to improve the outcomes. We strive for excellence by promoting high aspirations and high standards to enable all students to achieve their best, prepare for adulthood and become confident individuals. When pupils leave Egglescliffe School, they do so with the skills, knowledge and experience to ensure they lead fulfilling lives and make successful transitions into adulthood through employment, further or higher education or training. ( Ref SEND Code of Practice: 0 – 25 Years).

From September 2014 Local Authorities (LA) and schools are required to publish and keep under review information about services they expect to be available for children and young people with special educational needs (SEND) aged 0-25. This is called the ‘Local Offer ‘.

The intention of the Local Offer is to improve choice for families and will also be an important resource for parents in understanding the range of services and provision in the local area.

The Local Authority’s Offer for children and young people with SEND and their families is accessible through their website, Stockton on Tees Information Directory website.

SEND Information Report

Schools also have to publish a SEND Information Report on their website. This will provide details about how we implement our policy for children and young people with SEND.
On admission if you would like to discuss your child’s SEND requirements in detail please contact the school to arrange an appointment.


The SEND policy and SEND section of the Egglescliffe School website has been written to comply with the statutory requirement laid out in the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) code of practice, 0-25 guidance. The DFE statutory guidelines can be found in the document entitled: SEND Code of practice: 0-25 years https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/send-code-of-practice-0-to-25

This has been written with reference to the following guidance and legislation:

  • The Children and Families Act 2014: Section 69: Part 3 which sets out the responsibility of school for pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities ( Reference also Section 29, 35, 66, 67, 68)
  • SEND Code of Practice: 0 to 25 Years, Section 6
  • Regulation 51 and schedule1 of the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014
  • Equality Act 2010: advice for schools, 2013
  • Schools SEN Information Report Regulations (2014)
  • The Special Educational Needs (Personal Budgets) Regulations 2014 which relates to the responsibilities for education, health and care (EHCP) plans, SEBD co-ordinators and the SEND information report.
  • Keeping Children Safe in Education Guidance, 2021
  • Statutory Guidance on Supporting Pupils at School with Medical Conditions, 2014

A pupil may be identified as a SEND pupil if they have a learning difficulty or disability which requires special educational provision to be made for them. This is educational or training provision that is persistently additional to/different from the provision generally provided for other children or young people of the same age by mainstream schools.

Pupils receive quality first teaching, scaffolded and adapted to meets the needs of the individual child.

Referring a child for a SEND assessment

If you have any concerns regarding your child’s needs please contact their tutor who will be able to discuss your concerns and will signpost you to the most appropriate person to support you which, depending on the nature of the concern, may be the HOY or head of department. The school has a clear referral process in place using the Graduated Approach (Assess, Plan, Do, Review). This is accessible to all staff following any concerns they may have or may have discussed with parents/carers. If there are further concerns about a child’s support needs that require more specialist support this can be referred to the SENDCO and support team. Your child may also need support in school from a professional service from outside the school.

Please remember that a parent/carer, teacher or any other educational professional at Egglescliffe, plus of course any child/young person them self can request further SEND assessments if they feel there are additional needs that require further support. Should you wish to refer a child to our SENDCO for a SEND assessment then please contact us. Time will be taken to discuss your child ‘s needs and your main concerns and information will be gathered for teachers, tutors and HOH to ensure the correct assessment (and professional agencies as required) is accessed.

Professional agencies who may be involved with supporting your child could be:

  • Educational Psychology Services
  • Occupational Therapy Service / Future Steps / NHS / Tree Tops
  • Physiotherapy Services
  • Counsellors
  • SALT Services
  • Adoption Services
  • Visual Services
  • Visually Impaired Advisory Service
  • Hearing Impaired Advisory Service
  • Youth Offending Team/Preventions
  • School Health
  • Daisy Chain
  • LA SEND One point panel for HNF
  • Early Help Team
  • Reintegrate
  • The Stockton Parent Partnership is an independent and impartial organisation who can support parents/carers with Statutory Assessments, preparing for and attending meetings and accompanying them on school visits. They are also able to support parents/carers to reach agreement when issues are faced at school.
  • The Education Health Assessment (EHA) is a multi-agency approach which is used to support those families who are facing challenges, they can be contacted as directed on the Stockton Local Offer Website

The Egglescliffe SEND Information Report and Offer can be found within this section of our website.