Ref section 69 of the Children and Families Act 2014, Special Educational needs and disability code of practice:0-25 years, Equality Act 2010, Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014.
Parents/carers of children who have an EHC plan and young people who have such a plan have a right to ask for a particular educational institution to be named in the plan and for a Personal Budget for their support.
We are committed to inclusion and meeting the needs of all children including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. Each child’s support needs are identified through early discussions between the parents/carers, primary schools, HOY, transition lead and SENDCo. We would ask parents/carers to work together with us and discuss the identified needs of their child with us prior to starting so that appropriate intervention and support can be planned and implemented.
HOY, CIOC lead , SENDCo and key professionals work very closely to ensure the support provision is in place for CIOC students with SEND needs.
We aim to include students and support them according to their specific needs and we celebrate and share our differences throughout our daily school life in addition to through the tutorial and RSE programmes. There are clear bullying and safeguarding policies in place.
Advice from the LA or other professional agencies may be requested to ensure school can meet any needs appropriately.
Full details of the admission arrangements can be found in the Primary and Secondary Admissions brochure produced by Stockton on Tees Borough Council and further information can be found in the school Admissions Policy that can be found in the admission section of the school website.
Visit Stockton Borough Council’s website for information regarding the school admission process and secondary school admissions. To appeal against an admission decision visit: School admissions-appeals.