All students with a medical need will be identified at the start of the academic year, a document will be sent to parents/carers asking for a declaration if their child has a medical need that requires enhanced support or to be monitored in school. Once this document has been returned a care plan will be created in consultation with parent and any health care professionals involved. Any change to medical needs during the academic year must be reported to the tutor and Head of Year in addition to the SENDCo.
High quality pastoral care is central to the success of our school and students. Pastoral structures at Egglescliffe provide qualified teachers as Heads of House. They work closely with SEND students with particular pastoral and social needs. In addition, to provide enhanced support at a key time the school works closely with primary schools to support students at the year 6 to 7 transition. Lead teacher for Transition supported by the HOY and SENDCo ensure that Egglescliffe school is represented at Review meetings throughout the year and that there is constant dialogue between themselves and the primary schools about a child, their needs and support requirements.
Staff that play key roles in our Pastoral structure are:
- Dr C Lear – Director of SEND for VALT /Assistant Head Teacher – SEND Egglescliffe, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Officer
- Mrs C Hewitt – Assistant Head Teacher – SENDCo Egglescliffe
- Mrs C Wright – Assistant Head Teacher, Safeguarding, Pastoral and Well-being
- Miss R Granycome – Assistant Head Teacher – Behaviour
- Mrs L Aitchison – Lead for CIOC
- Mrs G Crook – Assistant Head Teacher, Sixth Form
Social time support for students outside the broad structures can take a variety of individualised forms including: support from SEND support staff during unstructured time, specialist 1:1 intervention programmes, morning, break and lunch clubs.
The menu of extra curricular activities aimed at building on communication and interaction skills are available to students.
In addition, a number of our Student Services staff are trained to manage medicines in school. If you would like to discuss your SEND requirements in detail please contact the school to arrange an appointment.