The support team have a range of experience in supporting students with a diversity of needs. TAs and mentors may be deployed to work with Students in/out of class and this may be short, medium or long term across various subject areas.
Teachers (in conjunction with the subject leaders) lead, plan and assess the impact of the support strategies /targets and interventions required as part of the support plan.
Ensuring access to an appropriate curriculum
At times modifications to the curriculum may be implemented. To successfully match Student ability to the Curriculum, Egglescliffe School continues to implement a range of strategies that include:
- A range of assessment methods are used to identify needs and support access arrangements.
- Using Quality First Teaching and matching teaching and learning methods to individuals to maximise student learning.
- Differentiated materials (both for reinforcement and extension).
- Access to digital learning resources where this will enhance learning.
- Additional in class support where possible.
- Targeted support is provided through clearly identified literacy programmes as well as the setting of ‘SMART’ targets which are regularly reviewed and access to small group ,1:1 tutoring for identified students.
- A supportive curriculum – including an integrated literacy based curriculum at KS3.
- The appropriate use of rewards and consequence sanctions.
- Mentoring and counselling as appropriate to individual need.
- Assessment procedures that emphasise Students ‘ strengths and achievements.
- Early Identification of students who require additional access arrangements support ( for internal and external assessments) in accordance with their needs. E.g. reader, scribe, extra time, quieter room
- Applications to examination boards (JCQ) to obtain access arrangements as appropriate. for GCSE and A Level examinations.
An innovative and supportive curriculum
At Egglescliffe School our students are provided with lively, challenging and engaging learning experiences which are personalised to individual need. The curriculum is at the heart of our provision. It is carefully sequenced and structured and monitored to provide a relevant and coherent programme of study. Our aim is to support our young people in becoming happy, successful and well-rounded citizens of the 21st century. Thus, our provision not only focuses on a broad range of subjects, knowledge and qualifications, it also seeks to develop the necessary skills and attributes young people need to think for themselves and to apply their learning to a fast changing world.
When students enter Key stage three those students who require additional literacy and numeracy support will be placed into a nurture group. In all groups, students follow the same broad and balanced programme of study. Subjects include English, Mathematics, Science, Design and Technology,Mathematics, Science, Design and Technology, Computing, History, Geography, RS , Art and Design, Music, Physical Education, SMSC (Careers Education, Citizenship, PHSE and Enterprise).
Our pathway system continues into Key Stage 4, which at Egglescliffe begins at the start of year 10, in order to ensure smooth transition and clear progression for all students. This approach means that everyone has a clear understanding of their journey with us.
All students will follow a largely challenging academic core of courses in English, mathematics, science as well as a core entitlement of RE and SMSC (PHSE, Careers Education and Citizenship). Some students will continue to have extra hours of learning allocated towards developing literacy and numeracy skills. These students will take three additional option subjects from a broad range of GCSE and BTEC qualifications.
How we ensure our curriculum is accessible
- Quality First Teaching. At Egglescliffe School we understand that all teachers are teachers of SEND and that it is important that we meet the needs of our students within our everyday lessons. Information sharing is vital to this process so that appropriate and supported differentiation can be put in place for the learner.
- Subject Leaders and teachers work with SENDCo and specialist staff to ensure they can provide the correct programmes and support to enable students to access the curriculum e.g. PE staff link with physiotherapists/Occupational therapists.
- Specific group work: We offer a range of interventions in the form of small group work. if required as part of the curriculum. The work that takes place is often linked to literacy and numeracy. which are fundamental to the success of students ‘in life’. E.g. Lexonik Leap and Advance, Reciprocal reading, Lexia ‘power up’.
- Specialist group support from outside agencies: There are a number of outside agencies that are available to our school. They can offer a range of support for students here at Egglescliffe. Alongside this, there have been training programmes provided by services such as the hearing/visual impairment, Team Teach etc. that have and continue to take place to up skill our staff so that we can continue support once the agency work comes to an end.
- Access arrangement requirements are identified and implemented for students.
- Our needs led CPD programmes include training for staff in key areas of need identified for supporting SEND students in and out of the classroom
- Specific individual support for children whose learning needs are severe, complex and lifelong and what this means for your child; At Egglescliffe we rely upon the specialist support and guidance that outside agencies such as, Educational Psychology, Speech and Language Therapy, Hearing/Visual Impairment service, SALT/OT, CAMHs, provide. The assessment procedures and recommendations that these services offer allow us to put in targeted intervention and support for individual Students within our school. It must be acknowledged that there are always waiting times for these services.
- Range of teaching and learning styles; We are always aware that children need lessons that involve a variety of teaching strategies from writing, to role play, discussion, practical work and application. We believe here at Egglescliffe that we teach our students how to become independent learners. Students will be able to think for themselves, discuss their own learning and transfer the skills that they have learnt in one curriculum area into other curriculum areas. Ultimately, students will leave our school with excellent exam results through high quality differentiated Learning and Teaching, but also with the ability to continue to learn effectively in further education and their later life beyond this. Hence we also actively support the Princes Trust programme for some identified students.
- Mentoring and Counselling: Our School and exterrnal counsellors, offer a range of support for our vulnerable students. This comes in the form of 1:1 sessions. An explanation of the different types of intervention available can be found below under the heading ‘Support for children with social, emotional and mental health difficulties ‘. The SEND department also mentor a number of SEND Students in an informal capacity. During these sessions a number of topics are discussed: targets on support plans, progress in lessons, friendships and perceptions of social situations. We also have formal mentoring sessions through the school Learning Mentors. These services are accessed if appropriate for the learner.
- A broad range of extra-curricular activities: Students of all ages and abilities are encouraged to attend the wide array of school enrichment sessions in a range of curriculum areas. Support can be available on lunchtime/break to help with raising self-esteem and establishing friendships. Support is also available to discuss homework or just to have access to a quiet room for revision.
- CPD opportunities are provided for all staff including TAs. This leads to the generation of ‘top tips’ sheets which are made available to everyone to have access to sharing training and support strategies.
- In addition to needs arising CPD, all teaching and support staff also have access to our weekly ‘SEN Meeting’ to provide all staff with bespoke support and advice for meeting the needs of pupils with SEN whenever needed.’
Support for children with Communication and Interaction needs
Students with communication and interaction difficulties will be supported in a way that best suits their individual needs. Some students may have access to small group and/or individualised intervention sessions with a key worker/mentor to develop their skills in communication, interaction, emotional awareness, self-care, flexible thinking and to help with peer relationships. Support is given to help children understand and control their own emotions.
Sensory support is provided through links with OT professionals and TAs delivering programmes to support in school.
Currently we offer Lexia ‘power up’ and interventions for literacy, as part of the English curriculum for identified students. This is delivered by specialist teachers. There is a programme for reciprocal reading through English. There is also daily support with homework, as required through the support team and teachers. We also provide enhanced access to visual approaches such as the use of laptops, reader pens, claro reader software, coloured overlays in addition to access to aids to support hearing. We have strong links with Hearing and Visual Impaired Specialists.
Access can be also be provided to a low stimulus area, if required, to support sensory overload need if required.
Flexible approaches to timetable are sometimes appropriate for some students where they may be in smaller classes for some lessons.
EP/OT/CAMHS support is also provided if a child is identified as needing this area of support. HLTA experienced in supporting communication and interaction needs can support a child once a week if there is a requirement for this approved by LA.
Students also have access to Endeavour at social times and at start and end of the day.
Support for children with Cognition and Learning Needs
Students who have difficulties relating to the area of cognition and learning are supported through regular, individually focused intervention for literacy, numeracy and additional subject specific areas as required. We analyse progress data three times a year and develop action plans to support students so they make progress at each point.
Professional support and assessments can be requested to provide strategies for the child and school.
To support individual needs we:
- Develop links to learning for life through small group project work that can link in literacy and numeracy as well the applications to the real world and areas of interest for a child.
- Some students will be offered additional support for literacy, numeracy and life skills.
- Set SMART targets in relation to identified areas of need to support progress.
- Practical aids for learning e.g. table squares, time/number lines, pictures, photos, accessible reading material suited to age, key word vocabulary lists, and copies of handouts from subject teachers and coloured overlays are available.
- For some students we can support access to ICT provision if required and assessments state this is required.
- Quality First teaching, which is scaffolded to meets the needs of an individual child, is expected and where required the curriculum will be adapted to meet the needs of the child/young person.
- Enhanced access to technical aids e.g. spell checker, ICT software and/or hardware
- Adaptations to assessments to enable access e.g. extra time, readers, prompters, scribes and ICT access.
- Specialist training for staff is provided by a number of outside agencies as required: Educational Psychologist, CAMHs, Speech and Language Therapists, Hearing / Visual impairment service, Occupational Therapy etc.
Frequent repetition and reinforcement and assessment is ongoing and all students are challenged with both academic and personal targets being set and reviewed regularly.
Support for Children with Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties
Egglescliffe School recognises that a child who has social, emotional and health difficulties may require an area where they can calm down and relax and reflect with the support of key staff away from the mainstream classrooms for a short time. They have access to time out/individual work area and some students have key workers and mentors that they can go to when required.
Social and emotional working groups and mentoring support children with SEMH difficulties can be used to support a student.
To support individual needs we:
- Award individualised rewards system – Epraise, phone calls and postcards home.
- Have access to counselling services, TA’s and mentoring. Well-being conversations 1:1.
- High level of support provided constantly in school and though e mails/phone calls during the Covid 19 lockdowns and isolations for students with SEND
- Some students will be allocated a TA key worker support and provide mentor support as required.
- Additional adult support in the classroom is provided in some subject areas for some students with particular special educational needs depending on funding, staff capacity and demand.
- Provide supported careers programmes and visits to alternative providers e.g. Stockton Riverside College, Skills Academy including Princes’ Trust, Daisy Chain, Askam Bryan College.
- Have opportunities to develop Social Emotional Aspects of Learning through access to training and professional support. E.g CAMHS.
- Provide emotional coaching training opportunities for staff as part of the mental health awareness that is being developed in school.
- Provide some children support through external agencies/professionals.
- HLTA experienced in supporting communication and interaction needs can support a child once a week if there is a requirement for this approved by LA.
- Access to ‘safe space’ at social times and at start and end of the day.
- Access to support for students with significant SEMH needs through linking with CAMHS and LA SEND services for advice and guidance and support provision as required.
- CPD opportunities for all staff to develop greater understanding around key aspects of SEMH needs.
- Offer of SEMH and ‘life skills’ development clubs as part of the extra – curricular activities offer.
Support for children with Sensory and/or Physical Needs
As a school we aim to cater for children with specific physical needs and support children who use physical aids to support access e.g. wheelchair, walking frames hearing aids and specialist chairs/ stools.
- We support Students with large print materials, coloured paper and overlays, access to different screen colours on a board or laptop as required.
- We ensure we have specialist chairs and seats in place if required. Evac chairs or positioned at key points on site.
- The site is checked for compliance and accessibility prior to a student starting if required by key professionals e.g. Visual impaired Team, physiotherapy service.
- Children who need to have access to Science in a ground floor laboratory are timetabled to have this access.
- Lift access is available to the Art block and classrooms selected carefully for a child depending on a child ‘s physical/medical needs.
- We have access to a specialist teachers/TAs for the hearing/visual impaired and regular links with LA team.
- Access to support for personal care and risk assessments will be put in place should an individual child ‘s need require this.
- Therapy programmes can be delivered in / out of school (as required for a particular child ‘s needs), designed by specialists e.g. Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, SLCN, Hearing / Visual Impaired.
- Exam access arrangements for assessments are assessed for by specialist qualified professionals.
- If required the school will apply to the High Needs Panel for additional funding for enhanced support and specialist equipment.
- School carries out risk assessment with key professionals as required by the visual impaired service and modifications made to site based on recommendations.
Additional provision for SEND students includes
All children are individuals and we look at the specific resources which could be needed to help support a child ‘s individual needs including access to ICT such as a laptop, coloured overlays, scribe, reader and extra time as and when appropriate.
- In class support is provided where and when appropriate in accordance to funding and staffing capacity.
- Students have regular support from access to key workers, mentors, tutors and relevant professionals.
- Lexia is one of the current literacy programmes delivered by specialist trained staff and regularly assessed by the Lexia programme leader.
- SEND Students are encouraged to participate in all school activities and have equal access to school trips and visits. This is discussed with parents/carers as opportunities arise. They are supported and encouraged to take part in music, drama, SEMH ‘life skills’ development activities. Enterprise, and sports activities.
- Smaller teaching groups operate for some of the core subjects such as English, Maths and Science.
- Bespoke additional interventions are delivered as required and extra Maths and English pathways are an option for some children at GCSE.