
At Egglescliffe registration takes place from 8:45 to 9:05. It is an important part of the day as it allows students to access the excellent academic support on offer to ensure they are ready to be at their best in lessons. Moreover, it is also an opportunity to enhance their curriculum experience through a range of targeted activities that are designed to engage the students on arrival to school.

Being Ready

This entails:

  • Carrying out equipment checks to ensure students are adequately prepared for lessons
  • Uniform checks so that students maintain the high standards of the school and are well presented
  • Disseminating key information so students are aware of upcoming events and important notices

Curriculum Enhancement

At KS3 students work through a series of challenges in each registration detailed below:

Year 7-9:

Half term 1, 3 and 5

Day Year 7 Year 8 Year 9
Monday Assembly Tutor talk Tutor Talk
Tuesday Tutor talk Assembly Reading
Wednesday Numeracy Ninjas Reading Assembly
Thursday Reading Numeracy Ninjas Numeracy Ninjas
Friday Feel good Friday Feel good Friday Feel good Friday

Half term 2, 4 and 6

Day Year 7 Year 8 Year 9
Monday Assembly Tutor talk Tutor Talk
Tuesday Tutor talk Assembly Reading
Wednesday News in pictures Reading Assembly
Thursday Reading News in pictures News in picture
Friday Feel good Friday Feel good Friday Feel good Friday


Assemblies are key in that they enable full year groups to come together as one. Staff and outside speakers deliver assemblies at Egglescliffe and students are afforded the opportunity to listen to key messages in order that they can further develop their character and morals. We also place great emphasis on celebrating the achievements of the students with regular rewards assemblies linked to our E-Praise rewards system


Numeracy Ninjas involves working against the clock to answer as questions correctly as possible. It encourages healthy competition between the students to achieve the highest score they can in order to obtain a coveted black belt. Tutors track scores so students can see how they are improving week by week and it also allows them to develop their own awareness of areas they need to develop for maths.


News in pictures allows for students to engage with current affairs and have a broader understanding of the world around them. It encourages discussion of important topics and helps develops students’ inference skills along with the ability to listen and debate. Each news topic links in with fundamental British values so students can further develop their sense of morality.


Egglescliffe’s literacy focus involves reading a range of exciting fiction and non-fiction extracts together as a form group. This is an excellent way to develop healthy discussion, inference skills and confidence in public speaking – all great skills for the future. At Egglescliffe we focus on reciprocal reading in order to break down texts and develop wider discussion. This whole-school initiative complements students’ ability to approach complex texts across a range of subjects


Each Friday, all forms will celebrate their achievements that week, in terms of rewards, and will take part in a form quiz or a ‘tutor takeover’. The Friday morning registration session is deliberately designed to be light-hearted, and to support student mental health and well-being through providing positive and fun activities to end the school week.


At Egglescliffe registration takes place from 8:45 to 9:05. It is an important part of the day as it allows students to access the excellent academic support on offer to ensure they are ready to be at their best in lessons. Moreover, it is also an opportunity to enhance their curriculum experience through a range of targeted activities that are designed to engage the students on arrival to school.

The Moral Question

The aim of The Moral Question is to enhance opportunities for students’ personal and spiritual development

Lessons allow students to see RS in the “real world” and mean that:

  • Students get the opportunity to develop evaluative skills and debating techniques.
  • Students build cultural capital
  • They enhance their spiritual awareness
  • They broaden their worldviews with the aim of increasing tolerance and empathy
  • We help students prepare to engage in a complex, multi-religious, and multi-secular world.

Year 10:

DAY Activity
Monday Reading
Tuesday Tutor Talk/td>
Wednesday Numeracy/Moral Question
Thursday Moral Assembly
Friday Feel Good Friday


Assemblies are key in that they enable full year groups to come together as one. Staff and outside speakers deliver assemblies at Egglescliffe and students are afforded the opportunity to listen to key messages in order that they can further develop their character and morals. We also place great emphasis on celebrating the achievements of the students with regular rewards assemblies linked to our E-Praise rewards system


Each Friday, all forms in Y10 will celebrate their achievements that week, in terms of rewards, and will take part in a form quiz or a ‘tutor takeover’. All Y11 forms will have a similar session on a Monday. These ‘feel good’ registration sessions are deliberately designed to be light-hearted, and therefore support student mental health and well-being through providing positive and fun activities to end the school week.


‘Thought of the Week’ gives students the time to take a key assembly theme and explore it in further detail. Students are able to do activities, debates and discussions exploring a plethora of areas. This prepares students for modern Britain by gaining insights into the wider world and communities.


At Key Stage 4, our students conitnue to read as a class as a way of further developing discussion, inference skills and their confidence in public speaking. The focus remains on reciprocal reading with age-appropriate literature – both ficiton and non-fiction in order to break down texts and develop wider discussion.


Students are provided with questions on a mixture of topics to consolidate key skills required for the final exams. Questions are differentiated for the higher and foundation tier and students are able to. self assess their work at the end of each task.